The SESAR Joint Undertaking is a collaborative programme of research and innovation designed to develop, test and validate concepts and technologies that will help modernize Europe’s air traffic management system.
NATS is a full member and an active contributor to the SESAR Joint Undertaking, a major European research and innovation programme established to help modernise Europe’s airspace.
NATS is a full member of the SESAR Joint Undertaking; we lead Work Package 5, which focuses on concepts and technologies for the Terminal Manoeuvring Area (TMA) and play an active role in a number of other projects and activities.
Our work in SESAR projects is yielding benefits for customers. NATS work in the SESAR Extended Arrival Manager project led directly to operational trials of Heathrow XMAN (Cross-border arrivals management), whereby neighbouring ANSPs slow down Heathrow arrivals at around 350nm when delay of 7 minutes or greater is predicted, delivering significant fuel, cost and environmental savings to customers.
Work carried out in one of SESAR’s airports package in which NATS was involved helped develop the concept of Time-Based Separation, whereby aircraft are separated by time instead of distance. This significantly improves resilience in strong headwind conditions. NATS has built on that initial R&D and, in partnership with Lockheed Martin, developed a TBS solution which has been deployed at Heathrow, helping to maintain landing rates in strong headwind conditions. TBS at Heathrow is expected to save 80,000 minutes of delay per year at the World’s busiest dual-runway airport.