Do you know our #SkyByNumbers?
26 July 2018It’s the time of year when we’re all getting ready for the summer holidays. At NATS we’ve been getting ready for the past few months, working closely with airlines and airports to ensure that those of you flying to or from the UK can enjoy a relaxing break!
The coming weeks are generally our busiest time of the year.
You may not realise it but airspace is an intrinsic part of your journey. Our roads in the sky mean more than 250 million passengers on 2.6 million flights fly safely to 370 destinations in more than 100 countries every year. Not to mention the 2.4m tonnes of freight including short-life perishables, pharmaceuticals and hi-tech goods.
The next time you board a plane, buy a bunch of bananas that have flown halfway round the world to your supermarket, or welcome friends or family from overseas, we want you to think of the air traffic controllers at NATS and across the world who keep aircraft safe as they keep our country moving.
Next week we’re launching #SkyByNumbers to help get people thinking about airspace. Over the next twelve weeks we will be giving away £250 to two lucky winners EACH week simply by asking an airspace-related question.
Every Monday we’ll be calling on people to guess the answer using the hashtag #SkyByNumbers. The questions will be shared across NATS’ Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts, and we’ll be announcing the winning entry the following Monday.
For your chance to win, make sure you keep an eye out on NATS’ social channels and get thinking about the ‘Roads in the Sky’.
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