At the World ATM Congress, currently taking place in Madrid, NATS will be showcasing our expertise in defence.
The increasing level of air traffic around the world creates challenges not just for civilian air traffic but also for military airspace users, as they come under pressure to share the airspace they use. In addition, as countries invest in the latest generation of combat aircraft, which need larger areas of airspace in which to train, it is vital that military and civil air traffic users collaborate.
In his video, David Barker, the Defence Business Development Manager for NATS, discusses the importance, and benefits, of a collaborative approach between civil and military airspace users
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NATS has worked closely with the military in the UK, and we have experience deploying a joint and integrated approach which allows us to use airspace more flexibly, delivering benefits to all users.
Come and speak with the experts on our stand at the World ATM Congress or visit to find out more.
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