
Hosting major international sporting events presents both challenges and opportunities, with the invisible infrastructure above our heads playing an integral role in the planning process.

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We’ll be featuring ACM on our NATS Stand and I will be giving technical demonstrations on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If you’re attending the Congress and are interested in ACM, please do come along and I’d be very happy to tell you more.

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Regeneration should not be a one off process, after all The Doctor has done it more than eleven times and Salamanders are capable of regenerating multiple limbs. We recognise this within NATS and our strategies look as far into the future as possible so that we implement a capability for this future today.

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Ongoing global events and most recently, activity at the Bardarbunga volcano in Iceland, have brought the word ‘NOTAM’, or ‘Notice to Airmen’ into the public domain as it is discussed on news broadcasts and online. But what is a NOTAM, who is in charge of them and how do they affect where aircraft fly?

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Conditional routes typically go through areas of airspace which are used by the military for their operations. When the military are not using these areas of airspace, they are available (together with the CDRs that go through them) for non-military aircraft. By their nature, CDRs are not available all of the time.

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When people hear that my role in NATS is to lead the Survey and Drawing Services (S&DS) team they often think I sit at a desk drawing things every day. But in truth, what the team and I do is much more varied and exciting.

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At the World ATM Congress, currently taking place in Madrid, NATS will be showcasing our expertise in defence. In this video, David Barker, the Defence Business Development Manager for NATS, discusses the importance, and benefits, of a collaborative approach between civil and military airspace users.

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Cardiff Airport welcomed its largest ever aircraft for the first time yesterday – a formidable British Airways A380.

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Historical records show that around 70% of aircraft accidents occur in the landing and take-off phase of a flight. This means that areas close to airports have an above average risk of damage due to aircraft accidents. So how do we protect against this risk?

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