The rules of radar
9 April 2014A lot of questions about radar have been raised recently as people are wondering about tracking aircraft and what information Air Traffic Controllers actually see on a screen when speaking with pilots.
Developing a global safety strategy to address future challenges
8 November 2013The ATM world is undergoing unprecedented change. We are subject to new competing and conflicting demands, new regulations and regulators and a pace of technological change which our industry has not previously experienced.So what does this mean for the way we shape future strategy?
The use of automation is common place in our lives today. Whether we’re getting money out of the “hole in the wall” or using a SatNav to help us get to our destination, we take automation for granted. Where does automation fit in air traffic control and does it have a place?
The future of ATM safety measurement
6 November 2013Over the last 20 years, ATM safety performance has improved year upon year. Of course that ‘s great news, but perhaps surprisingly, it poses challenges to those of us who measure it!
What can be done to improve global ATM Safety?
5 November 2013We believe that we are much stronger if we develop new strategies and techniques for safety management in conjunction with other like-minded organisations.
Talking safety
1 November 2013Next week NATS is hosting the CANSO Global ATM Safety Conference, bringing together the world’s top experts in ATM safety to share, develop and challenge our safety initiatives and strategies.
Are you alert at five in the morning?
3 September 2013It’s 5.00 a.m. and you’re dozing on your flight as it crosses over the Scottish coastline. However, the Air Traffic Controller responsible for your aircraft is wide awake and alert. Martin Cox discusses how Human Factors – including fatigue management – promotes safety and performance in our people.
Infographic: NATS around the world
28 August 2013NATS is unlike other Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) in that as well as being responsible for safe and efficient air traffic within our home country, we provide air traffic solutions to customers globally
Celebrating ANSP independence
5 July 2013This week the United States celebrated Independence Day, so it seemed an appropriate time for our US Business Development Manager to share his thoughts on independence. ANSP independence.
The Human Touch
25 June 2013Instructors from NATS have delivered a well-received course about Human Factors to members of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS).