We are the UK's leading provider of air traffic control services. In a normal year (pre-Covid) we handle 2.5 million flights and 250 million passengers travelling in UK airspace.
Outside of the UK we offer our services in parts of Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
The commercial aircraft in our skies use an intricate and highly structured route network which allows them to fly safely and efficiently.
We are the custodians of that ‘invisible infrastructure’ and support them and a variety of other airspace users in their flying activities.
We have dedicated consultancy and delivery teams that cover all aspects of air traffic management.
We take pride in applying our expertise to deliver best in class products and services to customers with different requirements across the globe.
Aviation delivers strong economic and social benefits, but it can also have detrimental impacts on the environment.
We have a critical part to play in driving down emissions and delivering a sustainable future for the industry.
Creating an inclusive, supportive and rewarding environment where our employees can thrive, is key to our success.
Join us in advancing aviation and keeping the skies safe.
Information for investors and other key stakeholders, including our financial results, operational and environmental performance, debt financing, credit ratings and economic regulation.
Information and resources for journalists, bloggers, influencers and other media professionals.
Here you can find facts and stats about the company as well as digital graphics, photos and videos.
01489 615 945 (09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday)
01489 445 699 (outside of standard office hours)
[email protected]
02 October 2017
NATS has today launched a drone portal for commercial and recreational drone pilots, designed to offer practical and useful tools, advice and resources for those flying drones in UK airspace.
29 September 2017
NATS has completed the design of a major component of the next generation of air traffic control system, with the help of funding from the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).
25 September 2017
John Wheal, an air traffic engineer for NATS, has been awarded The Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) Technician of the Year award.
15 September 2017
NATS has achieved the Gold Medal (six consecutive Golds) in the prestigious annual awards scheme run by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) 2017.
14 September 2017
NATS has been recognised as ‘Healthiest New Entrant’ at Britain’s Healthiest Workplace Awards by VitalityHealth, which recognises organisations that make the best efforts to improve staff health.
13 September 2017
NATS has teamed up with the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT) to ensure the safe and successful use of drones while undertaking efforts to conserve whales, dolphins and porpoises in Hebridean waters.
23 August 2017
NATS has been awarded the Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) Silver Award for its strong and continued commitment to supporting the Armed Forces community.
22 August 2017
NATS, the UK’s leading provider of air traffic control services, has signed a nine-year contract with Belfast International Airport for the provision of air traffic control and engineering services.
31 July 2017
NATS has contracted strategic partner Indra to deliver the next generation of iTEC (interoperability Through European Collaboration), the technology necessary for modernising air traffic management systems.
27 July 2017
NATS opened its doors to the next generation of female engineers this week following reports that only 9% of the UKs engineering and technology workforce are women*.
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