We are the UK's leading provider of air traffic control services. In a normal year (pre-Covid) we handle 2.5 million flights and 250 million passengers travelling in UK airspace.
Outside of the UK we offer our services in parts of Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
The commercial aircraft in our skies use an intricate and highly structured route network which allows them to fly safely and efficiently.
We are the custodians of that ‘invisible infrastructure’ and support them and a variety of other airspace users in their flying activities.
We have dedicated consultancy and delivery teams that cover all aspects of air traffic management.
We take pride in applying our expertise to deliver best in class products and services to customers with different requirements across the globe.
Aviation delivers strong economic and social benefits, but it can also have detrimental impacts on the environment.
We have a critical part to play in driving down emissions and delivering a sustainable future for the industry.
Creating an inclusive, supportive and rewarding environment where our employees can thrive, is key to our success.
Join us in advancing aviation and keeping the skies safe.
Information for investors and other key stakeholders, including our financial results, operational and environmental performance, debt financing, credit ratings and economic regulation.
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01489 615 945 (09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday)
01489 445 699 (outside of standard office hours)
[email protected]
05 March 2014
The A6 has announced it will bid for TEN-T funding to define the best model for common services provision to support deployment of future network and datalink infrastructures.
Air traffic services company, NATS has awarded a contract to Raytheon to modify two key radars to mitigate against the interference caused by wind turbines.
04 March 2014
The iTEC (interoperability Through European Collaboration) project to develop a next-generation flight data processing system is to be extended further to include the Controller Working Position (CWP).
NATS together with partners Siemens Postal, Parcel and Airport Logistics, McLaren Applied Technologies and AVTECH Sweden AB, have won a capacity management contract with Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL), which is to run for four years.
28 February 2014
A new system to separate arriving aircraft at Heathrow by time instead of distance will radically cut delays and reduce cancellations due to high headwinds.
Accelerating the long term vision for the Oceanic operation to deliver reduced separation between aircraft allowing optimum levels and routing is part of the ICAO NAT 2025 strategy.
The trial aims to gather information on efficiencies that could be gained through the SESAR concept of dynamic sectorisation – tactical switching of air traffic services between providers.
NATS handled a total of 152,930 flights in January, an increase of 3.1% compared to the same period last year and in spite of the period of severe weather that the UK has experienced.
The industry group has been nominated for a Janes Award under the Environment category to recognise work on ‘green’ air traffic management concepts.
Following the systems failure at Swanwick on 7th December, technical changes have been put in place to avoid re-occurrence.
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