Heathrow Airport

We provide Air Traffic Control (ATC) services at 13 UK airports. At Heathrow Airport we provide we provide tower and engineering services.

Tower Services

This is an ATC service provided for the airport and surrounding airspace. The controllers will look out of the tower windows, as well as at the ATC equipment, to give aircraft clearance to taxi, take-off and land.


An engineering team, based at the airport, are responsible for maintaining air traffic control services, such as radar and the Instrument Landing System (ILS).

The Operation: 2019

The current tower was opened in 2007. It was designed by architect firm Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partners (formerly the Richard Rogers Partnership).

  • Flights: 478,059 (+0.1% on 2018)
  • Passengers: 81m (+1% on 2018)
  • Busiest ranking: 1st—UK’s busiest airport (flights)

Annual flight movements (historical)




The UK's first non-stop service to Australia began in 2018, with Qantas launching a weekly Heathrow-Perth service.

  • Furthest direct route travelled to: Perth, Australia
  • Most travelled to destination: New York, JFK
  • Airports served: 203

The Airport

Heathrow has a secret train station that was built with Terminal 5 for future use.

  • Height of tower: 87m
  • 2 Runways:
    • 3,902m x 50m Northern runway
    • 3,658m x 50m Southern runway

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