2014 Customer and Corporate Responsibility Reports Published
Our 2014 Customer Report provides a summary of the main achievements over the last year, a summary of Customer views from our annual customer survey and the actions we are taking as a result. In addition, the report looks forward to our plans and outlook for 2014/15 and beyond.

Richard Deakin CEO NATS
Richard Deakin, CEO NATS said;
“NATS is committed to keeping customers at the heart of our decision making. Whether airspace design, new procedures or other initiatives to improve airport capacity or airline efficiency, or our major consultation with airlines on our business plan for the next five years, we have never worked more closely with you.”
Download the 2014 Customer Report here.
Our 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report summarises our progress on our on-going ‘Acting Responsibly’ environment programme which is focused on minimising the environmental impact of Air Traffic Management (ATM). We have already enabled an estimated 2.2% reduction in ATM CO2 emissions across our airspace including En-Route, Airport and Oceanic operations with our strategic aim being to reduce air traffic related emissions by on average 10% per flight by 2020 from a 2006 baseline.

Ian Jopson
Ian Jopson, NATS Head of Environmental and Community Affairs, said: “This is our best year yet in terms of CO2 and fuel savings. It means that since 2006 we’ve cumulatively saved £270m worth of fuel for our airline customers, but we’ve still got more work to do.
“Our overall goal is a globally sustainable aviation industry, in a business and an environmental sense. We have a near term target to cut 4% off ATM related CO2 per-flight by the end of this year. We’re just over half way there and are now going all out to achieve the rest.”