Airways and NATS confirm co-operation agreement
Airways New Zealand and UK-based NATS have today signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) setting the foundation for collaboration between the two air navigation services providers (ANSP).
The deal aimed at enhancing air traffic management (ATM) capabilities will allow the exchange of information and expertise and opens the way for collaboration on planning and research.
The agreement was formalised between NATS Chief Executive Officer Martin Rolfe and Airways CEO Ed Sims in Vancouver, Canada, during the 2016 CANSO Global ATM Summit and AGM. The event marked Mr Sims taking on the Chairmanship of the global association, and Mr Rolfe taking over as Chairman of CANSO Europe.
“A collaborative approach is key to meeting the challenges currently facing the global ATM industry,” Mr Sims said. “In Asia Pacific particularly, we are facing an unprecedented level of air traffic growth and given the cross border nature of ATM, this kind of joint approach is necessary to achieve the full potential of safe, efficient and sustainable operations.
“By developing closer ties with counterparts around the world, like-minded and progressive ANSPs such as Airways and NATS will deliver significant benefits to our airline customers and the aviation sector globally.”
Martin Rolfe added: “Airways and NATS both have a great deal of experience and expertise which we can share to our mutual advantage across many areas of our operations. And we share the same values which mean we are confident we will work well together.
“As Ed says, the future of our industry is in collaboration to make air travel as seamless as possible, right around the globe.”