Bardarbunga volcanic activity
Following seismic activity in the Bardarbunga volcano in Iceland and the subsequent change of the aviation status of the volcano to red, NATS ATICCC was activated for a short period on 23rd/24th August to provide airlines and airport customers with the latest operational information. The aviation status for the volcano has since been downgraded to orange (on 24 August). NATS is continuing to monitor the situation and is working in close collaboration with the Met Office, DfT and our safety regulator, the CAA.
The Air Traffic Incident Co-ordination and Communication Cell (ATICCC) provides a focal point for communication between airlines, airports, ATC organisation and media, via structured teleconferences, the NATS Customer Gateway website, emails and text messages. In the event of an incident that has caused, or is likely to cause, significant and widespread disruption to UK airspace or airports, NATS will activate ATICCC.
Examples of when ATICCC has been activated include major events such as the 2012 Olympics and at times of crisis affecting UK and Irish airspace such as the Icelandic volcanic eruptions in 2010 and 2011.
If you or people within your organisation would like to be kept up-to-date via ATICCC updates, please register on the NATS Customer Website.