December flights up 6.4 per cent

17 January 2012

UK flights handled by NATS in December 2011, including the Christmas getaway, were 6.4 per cent up when compared with the same time last year.

But in December 2010 significant snow falls caused widespread disruption to flights and when that is taken into account the estimated underlying trend for December shows a decrease of 0.7 per cent.

Almost 154,000 flights were handled during the month compared with just under 145,000 flights during December 2010.

NATS handled just under 2.2m flights in the whole of 2011 – 3.2 per cent more than in 2010. When the effects of volcanic ash and weather disruption during 2010 are taken into account, 2011 saw an underlying growth in the number of flights of 0.1 per cent.

Transatlantic and other international flights showed strong growth during 2011 when compared with the previous year. However, domestic flights were two per cent down over the 12 month period.

All 15 NATS controlled airports grew their traffic figures during 2011 with Aberdeen at 9.1 per cent recording the biggest increase.

Dec 2011 Dec 2010 % gr 2011 to Date 2010 to Date % gr
UK FLIGHTS 153,981 144,688 6.4% 2,173,715 2,106,689 3.2%
Swanwick 131,675 123,529 6.6% 1,875,439 1,818,029 3.2%
London Area Control 125,800 117,682 6.9% 1,797,841 1,733,570 3.7%
London Terminal Control 90,889 83,015 9.5% 1,237,756 1,202,581 2.9%
Prestwick Domestic 63,223 59,191 6.8% 884,688 863,910 2.4%
Prestwick Oceanic 29,126 29,740 -2.1% 403,943 388,156 4.1%
Transatlantic Arrivals/Departures 9,638 8,872 8.6% 127,220 120,373 5.7%
Transatlantic Overflights 13,958 14,604 -4.4% 195,824 186,988 4.7%
Other Arrivals/Departures 93,758 86,633 8.2% 1,347,672 1,290,665 4.4%
Other Overflights 6,789 6,607 2.8% 100,284 97,170 3.2%
Domestic 29,512 27,688 6.6% 397,919 405,867 -2.0%



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