Returning to the Skies: Reimagining Air Traffic Management for a Post-Covid World

Returning to the Skies: Reimagining Air Traffic Management for a Post-Covid World

Altitude live-stream : Originally broadcast on 8 June 22

Altitude is a monthly live-stream and podcast from NATS. In it we discuss topics pertinent to the aviation industry.

In our latest show we discussed the return of aviation, what the industry's priorities are, what challenges still remain, and how we can reimagine traffic management for a post-Covid world

After a tumultuous two years it feels like the aviation industry is finally emerging from the shadow of the Covid crisis.

But while the skies are getting busier, the recovery remains uncertain and uneven, especially in many parts of the world.

What role then, can air traffic management play in helping secure the recovery but also in future proofing airport operations as traffic levels begin to return to what we used to think of as normal.

Capacity, operational resilience and sustainability are all creeping back on the agenda and advancements in air traffic management, either in terms of airspace management or the deployment of new technologies, are almost uniquely placed to deliver against all those objectives, and usually for a fraction of the cost and time required for other capital investments.

But what should the priorities be and what challenges remain?

Ahead of the World ATM Congress, we discuss the latest developments in air traffic technology, why hybrid digital towers may be the next big thing, and how smarter arrivals management could save airports billions.

Enjoy the show, and find out more on our Altitude page.

Altitude the podcast

After the live-stream has aired we edit and share the show as a podcast. Altitude the podcast - is available on all major pod streaming services including Apple, Spotify, Google and Amazon. You can subscribe to the show via your preferred podcast provider.

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