Cardiff Airport

We provide Air Traffic Control (ATC) services at 13 UK airports. At Cardiff Airport we provide tower, approach and lower airspace radar services.

Tower Services

This is an ATC service provided for the airport and surrounding airspace. The controllers will look out of the tower windows, as well as at the ATC equipment, to give aircraft clearance to taxi, take-off and land.


This is a radar-based control service located in the lower part of the tower. Incoming aircraft are managed from approximately 40 miles away from the aerodrome, generally under 10,000ft.


LARS - Lower Airspace Radar Service for aircraft flying outside controlled airspace or wishing to transit our controlled airspace.

The Operation: 2019

The current tower opened in 1942.

  • Flights: 31,881 (+2.6% on 2018)
  • Passengers: 1.7m (+5% on 2018)
  • Busiest ranking: 32nd—UK’s busiest airport (flights)

Annual flight movements (historical)



Cardiff airport serves 50+ direct destinations and over 900 connections.

  • Furthest direct route travelled to: Montego Bay, Jamaica
  • Most travelled to destination: Amsterdam
  • Airports served: 50+

The Airport

Since 2003, Cardiff has twice been voted one of the Top 10 Best UK Airports in the Telegraph Travel Awards.

  • 1 Runways: 2,354m x 45m

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