Leading ANSP Alliance appoints new Exec Director
The Borealis Alliance, the leading business-driven Alliance of Air Navigation Service Providers in Europe, has announced the appointment of its new Executive Director.
Branka Subotic, currently a senior consultant with NATS Services Ltd – the UK-based global air traffic solutions provider, was selected from a strong field of candidates and will take on the role for a two-year term.
Branka brings significant international experience to the role, including consultancy, research, regulatory and academic experience. In recent years she has worked on major international projects including safety assurance for the introduction of the new system for Area and Approach Control in Muscat and Salalah in Oman, opening of the new Tower and new runway in Muscat in Oman, and the first phase of the GACA Corporatisation project in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).
She also has experience of the European ATM environment having previously worked on the application of EUROCONTROL ATM safety regulatory requirements, development of safety management systems, safety and human factors assurance, system validation and safety cases.
The Borealis Alliance is an industry-leading, voluntary initiative bringing together nine North European ANSPs who between them manage more than 12.5 million Km2 of airspace, handling over 3.5 million flights a year. It represents a new way of delivering the objectives of the European Commission’s Single European Sky initiative based on business principles, rather than regulated cooperation. The Alliance is currently working on a project to deliver Free Route Airspace across the whole of Northern Europe, which will enable significant environmental and cost benefits to airspace users.
Raine Luojus, Director of Air Navigation Services at Finavia and current Chair of the Borealis Alliance Board, said: “There was a strong field of candidates for this position and I’m delighted Branka has accepted our offer. Her international experience working with different countries and cultures will be invaluable and her track record of delivery gives me confidence that she can ensure the Alliance is successful in the future.”
Branka Subotic added: “The Borealis Alliance has huge potential to change the way we manage air traffic and to deliver greater benefits to both airspace users and ANSPs.
“Our industry is changing and it’s only by working collaboratively to find new ways of doing things that we’ll be able to meet the challenges of the future. I want the Alliance to be at the forefront of this transformation and I’m looking forward to getting started.”
Branka will take up the role of Executive Director in January 2015 when the current holder of the post, Lance Stuart, steps down.
Notes to editors
The Borealis Alliance is the leading Alliance of Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) that enables its Members to drive better performance for stakeholders through business collaboration.
The Alliance includes the ANSPs of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden and the UK. Combined, they provide air traffic services for 3.5m flights a year, across 12.5 million Km2 of north European airspace. Between them, they form Europe’s major transatlantic gateway.
Branka Subotic holds a PhD in Air Traffic Management from Imperial College London (UK), MSc in aeronautical science from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University ( USA) and MEng in air transport from University of Belgrade (Serbia). She is also a Chartered Engineer, an Assistant Professor with Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and IATA Instructor.