Capacity study to grow Atatürk International

04 July 2012

NATS, a global leader in air traffic services and solutions, has been awarded a contract to conduct an airport capacity study at Istanbul’s Atatürk International Airport.

The contract will run for four months and will form an important building block in Istanbul’s airport capacity enhancement programme.

Paul Reid

Paul Reid

Paul Reid, Managing Director, NATS Services, said: “Traffic levels at Ataturk airport have been increasing steadily for years.  There has been substantial investment in airport infrastructure to accommodate this growth; NATS’ role is to help assess how to maximise the airfield capacity to meet current and future demand.”

This initial contract, coupled with a recently signed Memorandum of Cooperation between NATS and the Republic of Georgia and a series of NATS-run ATC training courses with Romania, helps forge long term mutually beneficial development relationships between NATS and these dynamic and growing regions.


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