NATS sponsor Southampton’s first litter picking station
Today NATS, the Hampshire-based air traffic control company, hosted an event to celebrate the launch of Southampton’s first litter picking station at Royal Victoria Country Park.
The station, which features a board with free litter pickers and rubbish bags, will be located at Royal Victoria Country Park for visitors to use as they enjoy the fresh air and facilities around the 200-acre site.
NATS has sponsored the litter picking station as part of its Footprint Fund which supports its employees in the charitable and community initiatives they care most about. Any employee can apply for funding provided they give their time or fundraise for charity.
Richard Jones, an engineer at NATS, pitched the idea after attending a ‘beachclean’ event hosted by local community group, Litter Pick Chicks, in the summer.
Richard and Katrina Ayling from the Litter Pick Chicks worked together to get this board stationed at the country park, where the local Hampshire Countryside Rangers will be the guardians of it.
Richard said: “Taking care of the environment is something I’m really passionate about. I am part of the Gosport Womble group, but we are keen to link up with similar community groups like the Litter Pick Chicks to tackle the littering problem on the South Coast.”
The event saw several families enjoy a day of Halloween-themed fun at the park – complete with spooky costumes and lots of activities.
“The launch event with the Litter Pick Chicks was a great success and I’m really pleased that my company was so willing to assist. NATS funding Southampton’s first litter picking station is a great step in the right direction and I hope the Litter Pick Chicks and the wider community enjoy using it for many years to come.”
A map of all the litter picking stations in the UK can be found here
Main image: Richard with the litter picking station outside the Visitor Information Point at Royal Victoria Country Park.