New Air Traffic Manager for Prestwick

16 August 2012
Jamie Hutchison

Jamie Hutchison

NATS has named Jamie Hutchison as the new General Manager Prestwick Operations for its air traffic control centre in Ayrshire.

NATS Prestwick provides air traffic control services to aircraft flying through northern UK airspace, and out into the northern Atlantic – one of the largest areas of responsibility in Europe.

Jamie will look after Prestwick’s day-to-day operations whilst making sure it offers a safe and efficient service to passengers and airlines.

During his time at NATS, Jamie has amassed a wide variety of experience. He spent six years as an air traffic controller at the London Area Control centre before moving to Prestwick in 1998 where he has worked in a range of positions before becoming Performance and Resourcing Manager.

On his appointment as General Manager Prestwick Operations, Jamie said: “I am delighted to be taking up the challenge of leading the Prestwick operation. It is a fantastic team and I look forward to us building on the excellent service we provide to our customers.”

Jamie succeeds Richard Schofield, who is moving to become the Head of Safety Policy and Assurance for NATS at its corporate head office in Hampshire.

Pauline Lamb, the Director of Operations (Prestwick), added: “I am delighted to announce Jamie as our new General Manager Prestwick Operations.  I am confident he will excel in this post – providing key operational leadership.”


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