UK airspace ‘open for business’ despite threat of strikes

03 October 2013

+Update: Industrial action planned for 10 October by ATCEUC has been cancelled+

NATS air traffic controllers will be working as normal on 10 October, despite industrial action being planned across Europe.

Controllers and support staff at the two NATS centres in Swanwick in Hampshire and Prestwick in Ayrshire, as well as at NATS-operated control towers across the UK, will continue to provide an efficient and safe service to airlines and passengers.

Richard Deakin CEO NATS

Richard Deakin CEO NATS

NATS Chief Executive, Richard Deakin, said: “Despite the threats of industrial action in Europe, NATS controllers will be working as usual. Should the strikes go ahead we will work closely, as we always do, with Eurocontrol and other European air navigation services to help keep people moving wherever possible.

“We will also work closely with our airline and airport customers to help them manage their own operations if any changes are necessary.

“Passengers who think they may be affected by the action should check with their airlines for the latest information.”

The Air Traffic Controllers European Unions Coordination (ATCEUC) – an umbrella group of air traffic control unions – is calling upon its 14,000 members across 28 countries to strike as part of a ‘Day of Action’ in protest at European legislation designed to consolidate air traffic control services.

The European Commission says the legislation could triple the region’s airspace capacity, cut costs and reduce delays.

Further reading: CANSO Calls for Dialogue to Avoid Industrial Action

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