
Offering certainty in an uncertain world


A Covid-19 aviation recovery solution

Key questions:

  • Do airline schedule changes make it difficult to plan or adapt your ground operation?
  • Are these changes causing delays or bottlenecks?
  • Is there an easier way to match your resources to this ever-changing schedule?

Our strategic scheduling tools use analytics and simulation to help you to make strategic, data-driven decisions about the impacts of operational change.

For example, our Strategic Airport Capacity Manager is fully deployed into the scheduling processes at International hubs in the UK and Asia Pacific region, as well as helped support major airport projects in India and Australia. It is fully scalable, providing capability to support strategic decision making with respect to scheduling, operational change, and performance monitoring.

Strategic Airport Capacity Manager creates what’s called a ‘digital twin’ of an airport based on real historic operational data. Combined with fast time simulation, it can be used to test different airfield configurations or scenarios using a ‘what if’ function. This gives you data evidenced insights into the different recovery and growth profiles , allowing you to make the best possible use of your infrastructure and resources.


How can our tools support your COVID-19 recovery?

With so much uncertainty about the shape of the recovery, understanding how best to optimise and make use of your resources - be it runways, terminals, stands or people - has never been more important.

In this rapidly changing world, Strategic Airport Capacity Manager can offer you a level of certainty by modelling the impact of both short-term and long-term stand, taxiway or runway closures on delays and the wider daily flying schedule, helping you reduce costs while minimising delays. It can also be used to model the impact of remotely parked aircraft on taxiway flows, or changes in the schedule as airlines re-commence services on specific routes.

During COVID recovery, Strategic Airport Capacity Manager is able to model:

  • Improvements to On Time Performance resulting from flight or airline movements to a different terminal or stand.
  • The impact of airline schedule changes to stand occupancy plans.
  • The most efficient way to resolve bottlenecks on taxiways or stands using reduced infrastructure with rapidly growing traffic levels.
  • The maximum traffic that a reduced stand configuration can withstand before the delays reach an unacceptable threshold.


How can this benefit airports?

Strategic Airport Capacity Manager can help you:

  • Reduce operating costs. Providing options for recovery and advising on the optimal point to reopen assets; this could mean that even as traffic grows, some assets can remain closed for longer.
  • Ensure On Time performance. Utilising data to determine how many movements you can handle with fewer terminals, stands, taxiways or runways—matching resources to demands.
  • Pre-plan scheduling options. Quickly change aircraft types and gate times to find the most effective scenario, either for efficiency or to ensure safe distancing between passengers—these scenarios are stored in a library for future analysis.
  • Continuous monitoring. Enables data to be collected and processed automatically for every flight of every day. This enables you to see first-hand how Strategic Air Traffic Management contributes to On Time Performance and allows you to make improvements where needed.

In short, it allows airports to understand how they can do more with less and delivers the ability to identify the impact and resilience of different operational scenarios with greater certainty.

Find out more about Strategic Airport Capacity Manager and how it could benefit your operation on our dedicated product overview page

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If you would like to explore together with our team how this can benefit your airport, please contact us:

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