
Giving you confidence to make the right operational decisions


A Covid-19 aviation recovery solution

Key questions:

  • Is there a clear view of how recovery growth will affect your stand planning?
  • Is there certainty about when it would be cost effective to reopen closed blocks of stands?
  • How many movements can you handle with fewer open stands before On Time Performance is impacted?

We know it’s never been more important to have confidence in the decisions you make. We can work with you to model options for stand layouts, giving you the reassurance you needabout the minimum number of stands needed to deliver an efficient operation.

The challenges of forecasting traffic levels post COVID-19 mean airports need to balance the requirements of terminals, parking stands, taxiways and runways to ensure valuable infrastructure is not underutilised or operated inefficiently.

Our Fast-Time Simulation combines an airport model or ’digital twin’ with expert analysis. This give you with the optimal balance between runway configuration, taxiway layout, stand availability, congestion and delay for any given schedule, in order to deliver an efficient and cost-effective operation.


How Fast-Time Simulation can help recovery

Traffic levels during the re-opening and recovery phases caused by COVID-19 may require airports to make important short and long-term decisions which will affect the operational management and users of their airside infrastructure. These decisions cannot be taken in isolation. Data insights into the many options available provide a valuable foundation upon which to base key operational decisions.

The capability in Fast-Time Simulation and stand optimisation is ideally suited in a recovery scenario by enabling data driven analysis of specific key performance to help understand:

  • The ATM trigger points and associated timeline for re-opening a closed runway. How many movements can a single runway manage before delays build, and how many minutes of delay are there at peak times
  • The impact that taxiway closures could have on operations e.g. how long are aircraft holding off stand and what is this costing in terms of fuel and environmental impact
  • The stand profile required to deliver against a revised schedule, and when that stand profile may constrain recovery growth,
  • The impact of terminal consolidation. Fast-Time Simulation outputs will enable the airport operator to make informed decisions about when to re-open a terminal,
  • Data inputs for the purposes of operating expenditure cost benefit analysis.

Our fast time simulations use a detailed real-life layout for the airfield


The benefits of using our simulation tools

  • Minimise operating costs. Using data-driven insights to ensure the optimal number of staff are deployed at each stage of recovery.
  • Maintain On Time Performance (OTP). By producing data to help optimise the number of open stands to match the demand in schedule that may come from increased turnaround times for deep cleaning, increased boarding etc.
  • Perform cost-benefit analysis. Through modelling the impacts of fewer daily rotations and optimising the use of contact and remote stands.
  • Enhanced A-CDM performance. For A-CDM airports, the data will allow you to adjust aspects such as Variable Taxi Time which will give greater accuracy for Estimated in Block Times, Target Start Approval Times and turnaround efficiency.

Case study

How our simulation tools helped in the Middle East

A major airport in the Middle East worked with us to model the benefits of different taxiway layouts and stand configurations for delay, taxiway hotspots and On Time Performance management.

This highlighted:

  • Where hotspots on taxiways and stand conflicts were likely to occur.
  • The best use of remote stands to eliminate hotspots and improve efficiency. The simulation showed exactly when and how many aircraft would require remote parking.
  • Our metrics allowed the airport to calculate the cost benefit implications of using tug crews and assets to move aircraft. In order to avoid stand occupancy conflictions, the model simulated the towing of aircraft to and from certain aprons to free up stands for subsequent arrivals to avoid holding and reduce inbound delays.
  • By making changes to the method of operating within the ‘digital twin’, many of the hotspots were eliminated and shorter taxi routes for aircraft resulted in reduced fuel burn and operating costs for airlines.

Contact us

If you would like to explore together with our team how this can benefit your airport, please contact us:

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