The capability and sophistication of cyber-attacks has increased year on year. Every industry sector is having to review and augment their defences as business needs and technology evolves. With an increasing move in aviation towards IP architectures and remote access ATM systems, a full understanding of the cyber threats and risks has never been more important.
The challenge for keeping all industry sectors both safe and secure has been recognised world-wide. The European Network and Information Systems (NIS) Directive was adopted into UK Law (NIS Regulation) in 2018 with the aim of making the UK a secure place to do business. For the aviation sector compliance is undertaken through the CAA’s CAP1753 – The Cyber Security Oversight Process for Aviation.
Our commitment to cyber security is reflected in the work we do towards compliance to the NIS Regulation and in the certifications we hold, which include ISO27001 and Cyber Essentials Plus.
We can provide cyber consulting services, training and assessments to help you understand how to secure your current operation and securing future systems.
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