All Air Navigation Service Providers need to ensure their engineers are qualified to support operational equipment. Our ATSEP, Technology, and Equipment courses provide vital initial training, but engineers need to demonstrate their capabilities in their own operational environments to achieve the necessary qualifications for working with live equipment.
A consistent approach to assessing engineers’ knowledge, skills, and behaviours is therefore critical to ensuring that the necessary operational standards are being adhered to. Our Instructor and Assessor Training courses provide delegates with the core skills to support engineers throughout their journey, and perform the relevant structured competency assessments once they reach the end of their qualification.
Our experienced instructors are dual professionals, having previously held engineering roles before moving on to becoming qualified trainers. Between them, they have decades of experience of the different learning styles and behaviours that are key components of the instructor’s and assessor’s role and are ready to share their knowledge through our dynamic and interactive On-the-Job Instructor and Technical Skills Assessor courses.
We deliver the following Instructor and Assessor training courses: